why choose bowtie.school?

After all, there are a lot of big name tutoring companies available online. The simple answer: because our business model is different. By offering our tutors better working conditions, and working as an educational team instead of a collection of independent contractors, our tutors can prioritize your student’s learning.

how the big agencies work

Most of the big name tutoring companies you find online operate on the same business model. They hire as many tutors as possible and have as many clients as possible. Pricing is set to optimize gross revenue, which means the only way to increase profit is to cut costs. Tutors’ wages are often heavily impacted by this business model. This strongly incentivizes tutors to take on more students, and it means they cannot afford to spend time creating a tailored educational experience for any given client. In short, the incentive structures of large tutoring agencies result in organizations that cannot deliver the same services bowtie.school can provide.

start with better incentives

At bowtie.school, we take a different approach. We hire highly qualified graduates with years of tutoring and teaching experience, and we pay them enough that they can make tutoring their full-time profession. They can take the time outside of class to carefully consider the needs of each student. They can create free videos that your student can access any time, and they can host free office hours online, so your student can drop in for extra help during the week. Our tutors are encouraged to develop professionally and to read constantly, so they are able to curate their class’s curriculum to their students’ ability and interests.

build an educational team

While with other tutoring agencies, you’ll be assigned to an individual tutor working as an independent contractor, at bowtie.school, our tutors work as a team. Every student will work with a primary tutor for their course, but our entire team of educators with complementary skills and expertise are always working together to help your student achieve their educational goals. Your student can benefit from guest lectures during their classes, behind the scenes discussion and lesson planning, and a variety of complementary perspectives and skill sets considering how best to serve their learning needs. The entire team at bowtie.school is always available to support your student.

deliver handcrafted education

Our team recognizes that every student faces unique challenges. School may start too early. Bullying may make it impossible to focus during class time. The curriculum and their classes may not fit their cultural experiences and values. We created bowtie.school to make a place where all students can learn and build fundamental skills. We are a non-coercive school that works with students to merge their interests with the content and competencies they need to master in order to succeed. We welcome students from across Canada and the world, from private school students to homeschoolers, and everything in between.

our mission

At bowtie.school, we aim to inspire a generation of students to unlock their innate abilities as learners and grow to be self-motivated citizens capable of solving the big problems facing humanity. With our exceptional services, we aspire to deliver an educational experience after which students’ motivation and engagement in all subjects is enhanced, their performance elevated, and their personal responsibility to their education engaged. We fill in the gaps left by traditional educational institutions, showing students why and how to love math, what’s so important about literacy, where they can apply science in their everyday lives, and what computers are really capable of. In the process, we teach our students how learning gives them real power.